Trenchless - Chemical Grout Infiltration Repairs
Chemical Grout Infiltration Repairs
Mainline & Lateral
- Quickly reduces infiltration and inflow (I & I) as well as exfiltration at joints where the pipeline is structurally sound
- Highly effective non-structural process will stop groundwater infiltration into mainline joints, service connections & manholes
- Chemical grout is injected into leaking joints & circumferential defects from within pipe
- Mainline packers used to stop infiltration & exfiltration through cracks and defective joints (150mm to 1200mm)
- Lateral packers allow chemical grout to be injected at service connections and through cracks & joints up to 6 metres within the lateral line
- Used in conjunction with lining by sealing the annular space between host pipe and liner at the connection to the manhole and when reinstating the laterals
- Excellent method for preventing structural damage; by stabilizing voids and ending the infiltration/exfiltration cycle
- Quick, inexpensive & non-disruptive to the surrounding area or sewer system & requires no excavation
- Logiball - Lateral Grouting (PDF)
- Structural rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer manholes to stop infiltration
- Re-grout inlet and outlet piping to repair manhole defects
- Injection holes are drilled through manhole wall to intersect cracks and joints for the installation of sealing materials (hydraulic cement, epoxy or polyester bonders) (along the crack or joint to be injected (repaired)
- Sufficient urethane resin is injected at each defect location to completely fill cracks, joints, voids and honeycombed areas
Confined Space Entry Grout
- Rehabilitation of large diameter pipelines over 600mm by Confined Space Entry (CSE) with portable grout pump
- Process performed by drilling series of holes along alignment of the crack and injecting with urethane grout
- Helps prevent major structural repairs to sewer interceptor and trunk sewers
- CSE team with extensive safety training and experience for deep sewer man entry projects